GPT Photo of the Week – Where the Buffalo Rom

I used to be an elementary school teacher not so long ago. This is a part of a third grader’s project on Colorado that was posted in the hallway. As far as I’m concerned, it gets an “A” for Awesomeness! Enjoy! ps. Unfortunately, the photo is cut off. It may have said Rome, like the […]

What in the Blazes?. . .

The following is a guest blog written by Luke Jordan, a.k.a. Strider, the first thru hiker of the GPT. Feel free to post a comment and let us know your thoughts on blazes for the GPT. For thousands of miles America’s hiking trails wander across ranges and rivers, reaching basically every corner of the country. […]

GPT – Photo of the Week

Pawnee Buttes, eastern Colorado. It’s fun to get up close and do some exploring around the chalky flanks.  

Ecoregions Level III

We’re breaking it down now for Level III to just the Continental United States. The entire continent gets too complicated when the finer points start to emerge within the broader regions. Here is a link to the PDF Map: Level III MAP I’m really enjoying these maps! Let’s look at the Level III regions that […]

GPT -Photo of the Week

One of the many ruins found all throughout the Great Plains. I try not to celebrate these ruins because they represent someone’s misfortune, but they are beautiful and fascinating in many ways. Oh the stories they could tell . . .

Ecoregions Level II

I think we’re ready for the next level in ecoregions.  In this case, it’s level II. Here is a link to the PDF map. It’s still a little hard to read online, but we’ve clearly left the elementary version of ecoregions and are starting to get into a little more detail. The GPT passes […]

GPT – Photo of the Week

The Wildcat Hills are south of Scottsbluff, Nebraska. There bluffs, canyons and open prairies with many places to explore.

EPA Ecoregions – Level I

I’m no expert on ecoregions, but I ran across some cool maps put out by the EPA that define the continent by various ecoregions. Like I said, I’m no expert, so we can learn about them together. It looks like they’re classified into a few levels with each level getting more specific as it goes. […]