Texting Meriwether Lewis

An extreemly picteresk prarie.
An extreemly picteresk prarie.

This may not be the best spelled quote, but cut him some slack.  He was writing in the days before “autocorrect.”  How did he possibly manage?  I shudder to think.   😉

(Actually, it was pretty difficult to even transcribe the quote as he wrote it, because WordPress kept wanting to fix everything, and I had to go back, read it over several times with a Sherlock Holmes magnifying glass, and re-mess everything up the way it’s supposed to be).

Anyway, here it is, describing the Great Plains from a man who saw the Great Plains in 1804, before they were . . . hmmm . . . “autocorrected.”

. . . extreemly fertile; consisting of a happy mixture of praries and groves, exhibiting one of the most beautifull and picteresk seens that I ever beheld.”      — Meriwether Lewis



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