Are Long Distance Trails Normal?

As a brief follow up to my previous, wordy, rambling, existential treatise.  I want to also talk a little about typical, usual, “normal” businesses.

In the scene I described in the previous post, the standard suburban shopping area, there is nothing that is out of the ordinary, nothing unusual, nothing that any modern American would consider odd in any way.  Another way of putting it is that these big box businesses aren’t doing anything special or unique.  They are the status quo.  They are not taking any risks (other than the obvious financial risk to stay in business and turn a profit).  They are not expanding the horizon, or creating anything new and untried.

GPTA is NOT one of these types of ventures.  We seek to try to do something different, something that has been done before, but in a place never before imagined.

You won’t find us at the mall, but we invite you to join us in our endeavor, to be apart of a something grand, and new, and big, and rewarding.  It won’t be a smooth ride, but smooth rides lead to places well known and already crowded.  Bumpy rides lead to . . . well . . . who knows what they might lead to, but one thing’s for sure, it won’t be ordinary!






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