An article appears in this week’s New York Times Magazine about life in the Great Plains. I will refrain from commenting on it, other than to say it’s well written and worth reading, and don’t forget to check the slideshow with all of the photos! The article is titled, “Life Along the 100th Meridian.” Here is a link to the article:
There is also an accompanying video, which describes the photographer’s (Andrew Moore) mission for the article. I’m not sure if the photos will be part of a larger project or not, but there are some beautiful shots in there! The video is titled, Capturing America at its Plainest, which is not a very flattering title. I would’ve titled it, Capturing America at its Greatest! (Hmmm . . . come to think of it, thats’ not a bad motto for the Great Plains Trail . . . ) Here is a link to the video:
Capturing America at its Greatest! (not Plainest)
2 Responses
Who says you have to have mountains? Stunning landscape…
Very much so . . . one that doesn’t always get captured well in photographs, but these are amazing.