A Discouraging Word?

Here’s an update from an earlier story I mentioned in the blog about Ted Turner donating a small herd of buffalo to roam some open space acreage just southeast of Boulder, Colorado:

From an article in the Boulder Daily Camera, a study by the Open Space and Mountain Parks Department has determined the cost of restoring the largely symbolic herd to a small chunk of its once vast realm.  The study estimates that there would be an initial cost of around $500,000 (much of it for the construction of a rather serious fence), as well as an annual cost of around $100,000.  The City of Boulder would be largely responsible for the tab, minus any donations that may help offset the cost.

Opinions on the matter vary, but The Great Plains Trail thinks it’s a good idea.  It will help remind people of the larger natural history of the region, and may even prompt a few people in this hyper-mountain-focused area to pause and think of the plains and prairies that lie to the east, just waiting to be rediscovered.



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