GPT Photo of the Week
More from the recent trip south to Guadalupe Mountains National park.
GPT Photo of the Week
The Top of Texas: From a recent trip to Guadalupe Mountains National Park, here’s GPTA founder Steve Myers and GPTA supporter Corey Davison at the top of Texas and the southern terminus of the GPT!
Great Plains Ecotourism
Great Plains Trail Alliance is excited to take part in the University of Nebraska’s Great Plains Symposium later this week! There are educational and active field trips as well as a full slate of speakers and presenters including GPTA’s own Luke “Strider” Jordan! Look for updates and photos this week from the conference in Kearney, Nebraska.
GPT Photo of the Week
The Great Plains Sky
GPT – Photo of the Week
The Great Plains Trail connects with the Maah Daah Hey Trail in western North Dakota – an outstanding trail of nearly 100 miles through the badlands that inspired Theodore Roosevelt. Check out the website for the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association for more information: MDHTA
GPT Photo of the Week
The Badlands of North Dakota!
GPT Photo of the Week
Panarama Point – The highest ground in the state of Nebraska (5,424 feet above sea level).
GPT Photo of the Week
In a perfect world (which if you haven’t noticed, it’s not), I would envision much of the GPT to look a lot like this one in North Dakota. There’s something about a trail mown into the grass that is very enticing and appealing.
GPT Photo of the Week – Scottsbluff
GPT Photo of the Week – Purgatoire River Canyon
In southeast Colorado, in the Comanche National Grassland, there is an outstanding canyon along the Purgatoire River. It features trails, scenic bluffs, stellar views, and even dinosaur tracks! Yep, you read that right, dinosaur tracks.
GPT – Photo of the Week
Clouds and sky – what better way to describe the Great Plains . . .
Ecoregions Level IV
Ecoregions Level IV is a beautiful map, but very complex. Too complicated to go over in detail on this blog, so I’ll copy a link to the map and you can have a go at your leisure. It’s unreadable on a computer without zooming in. The EPA also has Level IV maps for each state […]