Missed it by That Much . . .

I’ve been listing all of the places of significant national or state level interest along the Great Plains Trail as it is currently envisioned.  To wrap it up, here are a few more that the trail just misses – usually by only a few miles.  It some cases, it may be possible to connect with […]

States of Interest

In the previous two blogs, we have looked at all the various places of national interest that the Great Plains Trail will cross.  I believe we’re currently at a hefty 29 places of significant interest.  In this post, we will look at some areas of significant state interest that the GPT will connect with, namely […]

The Great Plains Trail – A Few More Areas of National Interest

Last week, we listed all of the National Historic Trails that the GPT will cross and added them to the list of National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, and National Grasslands that will also be crossed by the trail as it is currently envisioned.  This week, we’re going to add a few more places of […]

The Great Plains – A National Historic Treasure

The previous post was all about the various National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, and National Grasslands that the Great Plains Trail (GPT) will pass through.  In addition to those area of national interest, the GPT will also cross no fewer than six National Historic Trails.  These “trails” are usually not really trails at all […]

The Great Plains – It’s a National Treasure

The subject came up recently about how many sites of national significance the Great Plains Trail will pass through (in its currently envisioned state, which is subject to variations).  For the sake of this blog post, I will consider only National Parks, National Monuments, National Forests, and National Grasslands.  This leaves many other  important places […]

Zen of the Plains

Back to books briefly . . . a new book recently caught my attention at the bookstore.  Yes, I live in a place where there is still a bookstore.  It’s called Zen of the Plains – Experiencing Wild Western Places by Tyra Olstad.  The book is about one woman’s travels and adventures in the open spaces […]

The Grasslands – The Most American Landscape

Yes, you’ve read this before, but maybe I’m going to make this an annual post on this holiday . . . because it’s still true. Happy 4th of July from the Great Plains Trail!  On this most American of holidays, it’s time to recognize (and brag just a bit) that the most American of landscapes […]

1,700 Miles – One Step at a Time

In late September 2012, way up in Alberta near the huge tar sands pits that have expanded greatly there in recent years, Ken Ilgunas started walking south.  He kept walking for the next 1,700 miles until he reached Port Arthur, Texas in February of 2013.  He had walked the entire length of the infamous Keystone […]

The GPT – New Section of Trail – “Oglala Gap”

Happy Trails!:  Great Plains Trail Alliance is proud to announce the next  section of what will become the GPT.  Our goal is to roll out as many of these sections as we can until the entire length of the GPT is complete.  This will take some time, and the process will likely start slowly and then […]

New Trail Section – Coming Soon!

There’s a place in western Nebraska that I have come to love.  It’s in Oglala National Grassland and it’s simply beautiful.  Great Plains Trail Alliance will be making a return visit to this area next week to route our next section of trail that will connect our existing (and our first) section of trail named, […]

Great Plains Poetry – Robert Pinsky

I’m definitely not going to give my interpretation of this one, as I do not want to cloud anyone’s thoughts.  Enjoy this one (Thanks Chuck) from Robert Pinsky . . .                                                 […]