GPT Photo of the Week

Some of the strange formations at Paint Mines Interpretive Park, Colorado.      

GPTA Founder’s Club – Last Call

Although Great Plains Trail Alliance has been in existence for several years, we are still very much in our infancy as an organization. We have big ideas, but we remain small and operate at a low pleasant hum. We also know that the future looks bright for the Great Plains Trail, and in the coming […]

GPT Photo of the Week

The view from near the top of Scott’s Bluff in Scottsbluff, NE – also the southern terminus for the 250 mile GPT Pilot Trail.

first person to walk Canada’s Great Trail —

Great Trail was formerly called the Trans-Canada Trail. (TheGreat Completing this hike makes Dana Meise @TheHikingFool the first person to touch all three coasts on the Trans Canada Trail. … Thursday evening he made it to Tuktoyaktuk, completing his lifelong dream; and it’s in part thanks to the community. … “As much as I’m […]

Hospitality on the prairie

A couple of generations ago, municipal parks were generally open to camping. We had a tradition of caring for travelers, particularly in the West. After all, everyone (with the exception of the natives of course), had come from somewhere else, and most had suffered privations along the way. A remembrance of hard times made it […]

GPT Photo of the Week

The trail to Bear Butte with Lakota prayer flags in attendance – Bear Butte State Park, South Dakota

GPT Photo of the Week

Near the summit tower of Harney Peak or Black Elk Peak if you prefer. For what it’s worth, what we humans call it is meaningless. The mountain has been there since long before human beings, and will remain there long after humans have left the scene. Climb the mountain and gain wisdom from it, but […]

The Great Trail – Canada Style

This time, I’m not talking about the Great Plains Trail. I’m talking about the Great Trail. This is news to me, but apparently, Canada just completed its Great Trail – 24,000 km covering 13 provinces and practically every major part of the second largest country in the world. Wow! The website claims that it is […]