GPT Photo of the Week
Deep in the Nebraska National Forest.
Happy 50th NTS!
This is the day! October 2, 2018 marks the official 50th birthday of the National Trails System! I know I’ve posted this picture before, but I always find it interesting to note where President Johnson seems to be looking – yup, he’s looking right at the Great Plains!
GPT Photos of the Week
It was a great hike on the Great Plains Trail yesterday at Toadstool Geologic Park! We had a nice turnout and perfect weather. Here are some shots from the hike.
Reminder – Upcoming Event
Oglala National Grassland and Great Plains Trail Alliance are hosting a casual hike of the new trail section at Toadstool Geologic Park. Here are the basics: What: A five mile loop hike beginning and ending at the Toadstool Campground. Join representatives from GPTA as well as Nebraska National Forest and Oglala National Grassland as we […]
GPT Photo of the Week
You can almost feel the wind.
Upcoming Event: Toadstool Hike
Oglala National Grassland and Great Plains Trail Alliance are hosting a casual hike of the new trail section at Toadstool Geologic Park. Here are the basics: What: A five mile loop hike beginning and ending at the Toadstool Campground. We will be hiking the new Great Plains Trail segment, and then connecting to the Bison […]
Hikeover Country?
Backpacker Magazine added a small blurb in the most recent September 2018 issue to post a few reactions to the main article on the GPT from the June issue. Here it is in it’s entirety. I welcome your comments. Hikeover Country If it’s ever finished, the Great Plains Trail will be nothing like our country’s […]
GPT Photo of the Week
Here’s another one from the new Toadstool trail. This little slice of Nebraska has what you could easily call an exotic landscape. Some people will audibly scoff when you use the words “Nebraska” and “exotic” in the same sentence, but that’s because they simply do not know anything about it. Toadstool is absolutely exotic because […]
GPT Photo of the Week
Another shot from our new section of trail in Toadstool! Stay tuned for details on a planned hiking event on this trail in September . . .
GPT Photos of the Week
We have some big news to share this week in the Photo of the Week. Great Plains Trail Alliance would like to announce that the very first section of brand new trail that has been created with the GPT in mind is now open for hiking! This new section of trail in Oglala National Grassland […]
GPT Photo of the Week
Butte country in western South Dakota.
GPT Photos of the Week
Scouting trip in the red dirt of South Dakota.