There’s a nice article out this week from the Boulder Weekly about Pawnee National Grassland and the current plight against oil interests. The article is titled, “If Grass Falls in a National Forest, and No One is around to Hear it . . .” and it’s written by Joel Dyer. Here is link to the article in online form:
6 Responses
We have loved hiking in the Pawnee Buttes area for over 20 years (avoid summers because of rattlers!). The landscape has changed drastically, though, not just because of the recent oil and gas work but also the wind turbines lining the horizon to the north. It was also at Pawnee Buttes that served as a site for filming the 1976 TV series “Centennial” based on the book by James Michener. I have often been thankful for that indirect documentation of the landscape which now can be seen and experienced no more.
It’s true that landscape has changed dramatically. It’s still beautiful but sadly, it requires more imagination than it used to.
A well-written story, though sad situation. I have forwarded the link to someone who might wish to help. Thanks.
Thanks Ted! Nice to hear from you. It’s true that the Pawnee NG has really changed (and not for the better) in the last 5-10 years.
Thanks for this article link. Things didn’t look right to me when I bicycled through that area in 2013 (http://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/?page_id=331284). Seemed like too much activity for such a beautiful remote area.
Jeff Teel – Morton, Illinois
Thanks for the comment, Jeff. Yeah, I think things have calmed down a bit there since then due to the lower price of oil, but so much of the beauty of the area was in its emptiness, and the oil wells really changed the character.