I recently returned from Montana after having participated (all too briefly) in American Prairie Reserve’s Transect2015. The Transect involved a group of APR staff and some guests traveling over 200 miles and camping out along the way in search of beauty, wildlife, conversation, and friendship.

Although I wish I could’ve stayed longer (I only really experienced one full day), the concept of the Transect is one that I support whole-heartedly. It has always been my belief that recreation is the key to appreciation, and the more people that are out there experiencing the plains, the more they will come to love it. It’s really what the Great Plains Trail is all about: Experience through recreation, whether it’s a bike ride, a short hike, or a full thru hike. Seeing this part of the country up

close and personal is the only way to gain an appreciation for it.
It is also my belief that appreciation is only the start. Eventually, you’ll fall head-over-heels for the beauty of the Great Plains!

2 Responses
Thanks for the great photos. Glad you were able to participate, if only for a day. The American Prairie Reserve is my favorite conservation/restoration project ever. It makes a wonderful connection for the Great Plains Trail.
Yes, it really does seem to be a perfect fit!