Name the Buffalo Contest!

Ok, the moment you’ve all been patiently waiting for has arrived.  It’s time for the Name the Buffalo Contest!!  A few months back, graphic designer Kate Rosendale of Chicago was awesome enough to help us create our logo.  Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, it’s missing one thing: the main character in the logo needs a name.

The Great Plains Trail Alliance is sponsoring a contest to name the buffalo.  The winner will receive a nifty Great Plains Trail Alliance baseball hat with the logo on the front!  Be the first on your block (ok, your whole state) to get one.

There’s no obligation to enter, other than to engage your creativity.  All you have to do is leave a comment on this blog with your proposed name and an email address so we can contact you.  Or you can email me at    You may propose as many different names as you like.  The deadline for the contest is July 1st.  Judges decisions are final.  Have fun and good luck!!



13 Responses

  1. Bronx – The Bronx Zoo was instrumental in saving the Bison from extinction. In 1899 a bison herd was established at the Bronx Zoo, making them one of the earliest organizations responsible for saving the Bison from extinction. In 1905, The American Bison Society was also established at the Bronx Zoo and the Bronx Zoo also was also responsible for: 1) providing bison to the Wichita Reserve Bison Refuge in Cache, OK. 2) the Bronx Zoo was instrumental in establishing the Montana National Bison Reserve and for providing bison for the reserve. 3) the Bronx Zoo provided bison for the Wind Cave National Game Preserve in South Dakota.

    1. David – Thanks for the information about the Bronx Zoo! I was aware of some of it, but definitely not all of it. It’s amazing how close they came to total extermination. A few far-sighted people 100+ years ago saved them.

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