Media About the Great Plains Trail
Sierra Magazine – Winter 2022:
Work in Progress – A Rambler Schemes to Blaze a Long-Distance Trail across the Great Plains
National Geographic online article September 21, 2021:
The best way to see the beauty of America’s Great Plains? On Foot.
The Modern West podcast, July 1, 2020

Wyoming Public Media’s podcast explores the story of former Omaha Public Radio reporter Emily Chen-Newton’s walk with GPTA board member Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans on part of the GPT pilot trail in Nebraska in September 2019.
Hiking Thru Life podcast, June 20, 2020

In episode #44, June 20, 2020, GPTA board member Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans talks about his hike of the Great Plains Trail pilot trail in South Dakota and Nebraska in August and September, 2019.
Hiking Thru Life podcast, May 2, 2020

In episode #37, May 2, 2020, GPTA board member Luke “Strider” Jordan talks about his unique hiking resume, including the only known thru-hike of the GPT.
Backpacker Radio, June 12, 2020
Zach “Badger” Davis and Juliana “Chaunce” Chauncey interview Luke “Strider” Jordan about his unusual hiking career, including the only known thru-hike of the Great Plains Trail.
Mighty Blue on the Appalachian Trail podcast, May 28, 2020
Luke “Strider” Jordan, GPTA board member, joins Steve “Mighty Blue” Adams for an interview on his popular, longstanding long-distance hiking podcast.

Mighty Blue on the Appalachian Trail podcast, April 23, 2020
Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans, GPTA board member, joins Steve “Mighty Blue” Adams for an interview about his 2019 hike of the Great Plains Trail pilot trail.
Wonderland blog, March 7, 2020

In August and September, 2019, GPTA board member Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans set out to be the first person to hike the recently designated GPT pilot trail in South Dakota and Nebraska. He wrote up the trip for his personal blog, Wonderland.
KIOS Omaha Public Radio, October 2019

In September, 2019, Omaha Public Radio reporter Emily Chen-Newton joined GPTA board member Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans for three days of hiking on the Great Plains Trail pilot trail in northwest Nebraska. Emily produced three stories from the trip and Josh LaBure created a short video based on footage he captured of Emily and Pony.
Stories from the Trail – Day One
Stories from the Trail – Day Two
Stories from the Trail – Day Three
Emily & Pony & The Great Plains Trail, video for KIOS radio series
The Trek, September 11, 2019
Trail Profile: South Dakota’s Centennial Trail
GPTA board member Clay Bonnyman “Pony” Evans wrote a profile of the Centennial Trail, which is contiguous with the GPT for about 125 miles in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
The Adventure Sports Podcast, April 15, 2019
Luke “Strider” Jordan, GPTA board member, talks about his hikes of the North Country Trail and Great Plains Trail.
Longmont Times-Call, March 16, 2019
Longmont Resident Seeks to Create New National Scenic Trail through Great Plains
Related video from the Longmont Public Library presentation (poor sound quality)
The Trek, December 6, 2018
New 250-Mile Segment Beckons Hikers to the Great Plains Trail

Backpacker Magazine, May 23, 2018

Steve Myers, founder of the Great Plains Trail, speaks with Backpacker Magazine about his dream of making the trail a reality.
The Pursuit Zone Podcast, June 3, 2018
The Scottsbluff Star-Herald, April 15, 2016
A stranger passed through and Western Nebraska treated him like family .
The Rapid City Journal, April 14, 2016
First Thru Hiker reaches Black Hills
The (Mostly True) Adventures of Lupe blog, April 3, 2016

Luke “Strider” Jordan featured on canine Lupe’s adventure blog during his 2016 Great Plains Trail thru-hike.
The Scottsbluff Star-Herald, April 1, 2016
Minnesota Hiker first to hike the GPT
The Scottsbluff Star-Herald, May 9, 2015
The Longmont Times-Call and Boulder Daily Camera, April 24, 2015
The Trail Show Podcast, April 21, 2015
The Rapid City Journal, March 20, 2015
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