Roadside Attractions Part II

This is the next installment of the scouting mission for the GPT.  In the near future, I will provide much more detailed information on what I have found, but for now, it must be said that if you see a few extra holes in the moon tonight, it’s because I shot it . . . and hit it!

That’s my way of saying things are going extremely well out there on the GPT!  Please enjoy the following photographs from Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Fort Robinson State Park, Hudson-Meng Archeological site, and Toadstool Geologic Park – all in Nebraska.  Much more to come!

The entrance to Agate Fossil Beds
The entrance to Agate Fossil Beds








The Daemonelix Trail at the entrance.
The Daemonelix Trail at the entrance.








Near Fort Robinson State Park
Near Fort Robinson State Park








The Smiley Canyon Scenic Area
The Smiley Canyon Scenic Area








The White River Trail
The White River Trail








The eastern terminus of the White River Trail
The eastern terminus of the White River Trail








The Drifter Cookshack - on the GPT - Awesome bison bugers!
The Drifter Cookshack – on the GPT – Awesome bison burgers!








Everything is so green after the rains.
Everything is so green after the rains – Hudson-Meng Archeological Area – Awesome!








Follow the yellow topped posts!
Follow the (sort of) yellow topped posts!








Arroyos at Toadstool Geologic park
Arroyos at Toadstool Geologic park








Toadstool will impress.
Toadstool will impress.








Badlands - in a good way.
Badlands – in a good way.








The trail to the campground at Toadstool.
The trail to the campground at Toadstool.










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