From the Founder — Shameless Fundraising 2019

Deep in Custer National Forest, SD

GPT Enthusiasts and Supporters,

It’s not too late to grab a tax deduction for 2019. If you believe that all of America should be embraced and celebrated with trails, and the possibility of adventure (and not just the usual mountainous regions, and other places lavished with excessive hype), join us in helping our efforts to create the Great Plains Trail!

2019 was a great year for the GPT. We scouted new trail in Custer National Forest in South Dakota. We were featured, as part of our first thru hiker on the Pilot Trail, on KIOS – Omaha Public Radio. We also reached hundreds of people with several successful presentations around the country (CO, MN, IL, SD, NE) from our board members.

Our goal in the coming year is to continue to grow the community of GPT supporters, so we can reach even more people in the future. I invite you to help spread the word and join our online communities on Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, and Instagram!

Donate on our website today! Here is the link. Click the Donate button at the bottom:

Steve Myers
Founder, Great Plains Trail
Executive Director, Board Chair, Great Plains Trail Alliance





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